Tracy Afflick
Tracy Afflick
Business Name Bee Chairful
What problems does your business solve? Bringing colour and joy into peoples lives
What’s something that you wish you had known before getting into business? Steps to go through and how it is integral I.T. as the commencement of a business
Tell us something about you that most people don’t know? Fronted a corporate rock band for 10 years and I've studied jazz music as a singer
Please provide your short business bio to be featured in our Membership Directory I take sad, discarded, unwanted, & unloved chairs. I lovingly restore & recreate them into statement pieces ready to adorn any modern environment. Totally refurbished to create a unique individual chair that exudes character. I create artwork for your derrière.
Other information you would like to share I can either find the chairs you want modernised or I can revamp one you already own. Let's discuss your needs
Tracy Afflick
Website URL Beechairful (Instagram)
Facebook Link