Katrina Steffens
Katrina Steffens
Business Name Bean Counting Business Solutions
What problems does your business solve? Bookkeeping and BAS services. We give business owners peace of mind knowing their accounts are being managed by professional, experienced people. We provide business owners with the information they need to understand how their business is performing so they can make informed decisions.
What’s something that you wish you had known before getting into business? How long social media content takes to create!
Tell us something about you that most people don’t know? I'm a complete maths nerd and did a maths degree for fun while I was a stay-at-home mum with my young kids (because there's only so much finger painting you can do before you get bored!).
Please provide your short business bio to be featured in our Membership Directory We provide bookkeeping and BAS services so business owners have more time and energy to be doing the things they love, whether that be working on their business or having more spare time to spend with friends and family.
Other information you would like to share No
Katrina Steffens
Website URL https://www.beancounting.com.au
LinkedIn Link https://www.linkedin.com/company/bean-counting-business-solutions
Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/beancountingbusinesssolutions